Patient Access

Please note: We have removed most of our appointments off of Online Patient Services due to the Coronavirus as we need to be able to audit who visits the Surgery this has been advised by the BMA for all GP practices.

Our Practice currently offers the following online services:-

  • Online Appointment booking (temporarily unavailable)
  • Repeat Prescription requests
  • Medical Record viewer – Allergies and Adverse Reactions, Immunisations, Medication and some parts of your medical record.

All patients wishing to use patient access will need to complete a “Patient Access Registration” form and bring it to the Practice with Photo ID and proof of residence whereby the relevant services can be activated. If you are a new patient registering with us the process will be the same, there should be a Patient Access Registration form in your new patient pack – if not then you can download the form below, you will also find leaflets below if you would like further information.

Patient Access Leaflet

Practice Patient Access information leaflet

Support for Patient Access

If you are unsure how to use patient access or you require some visual guidance, please click on the link below and it will take you to some video tutorials on the Patient Access support page.

They also have a lot advice and step-by-step guides on to set up and use different parts of patient access, please click on the link below to view the categories. If you scroll to the bottom of the page there are also some frequently asked questions.

Prescription Hub


As of the 1st November 2021 all prescriptions for Streamside Surgery practice will be dealt with by the new PCN Prescription Hub – Severnvale Prescription Hub.


Please e-mail your requests to and for medication queries only please call 01454 205099, lines will be open from 10am-12:30 and 14:30-17:30.


Please visit our post on this new update for more information – Severnvale Prescription Hub | Streamside Surgery