Data Protection (GDPR)

New privacy regulation (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR) came into force on 25th May 2018.

Our Data Protection Officer is Lucy Hunt.

At Streamside Surgery we make every effort to ensure the details we hold for you are correct and up-to-date. To find out more about how we store and use your data, please read our privacy policy.

Prescription Hub


As of the 1st November 2021 all prescriptions for Streamside Surgery practice will be dealt with by the new PCN Prescription Hub – Severnvale Prescription Hub.


Please e-mail your requests to and for medication queries only please call 01454 205099, lines will be open from 10am-12:30 and 14:30-17:30.


Please visit our post on this new update for more information – Severnvale Prescription Hub | Streamside Surgery