Practice Policies & Patient Information
Data Protection (GDPR)
New privacy regulation (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR) came into force on 25th May 2018.
Our Data Protection Officer is Lucy Hunt.
At Streamside Surgery we make every effort to ensure the details we hold for you are correct and up-to-date. To find out more about how we store and use your data, please read our privacy policy.
Patient Privacy Notice November 2022
Easy Read Privacy Notice November 2022
Privacy Notice for Patients aged between 13-16 September 2022
Data Sharing
Patient Confidentiality
We respect your right to privacy and keep all your health information confidential and secure. It is important that the NHS keeps accurate and up-to-date records about your health and treatment so that those treating you can give you the best possible care.
This information may be used for management and audit purposes. However, it is usually only available to, and used by, those involved in your care. You have the right to know what information we hold about you. If you would like to see your records, please contact a member of our practice staff. (HSCIC)
Confidential information from your medical records can be used to improve the way the NHS delivers care to all patients. A modern information system has been developed by the NHS in England, which will make increased use of this information. This system is referred to as
One of the main aims of is to allow the NHS to make better use of the routine information collected when you visit us (your GP practice). This information along with your postcode and NHS number but not your name, are sent to a secure system where it can be linked with other health information from all the different places where you receive care. This allows those planning NHS services or carrying out medical research to use information from different parts of the NHS in a way which does not identify you. The system complies with strict confidentiality rules and the law.
Please click on the link below to find out more.
If you wish to opt-out, please complete the form available below and return to the Practice.
Connecting Care
Connecting Care is a local record and is designed for staff who are directly involved in your care to share relevant information about your care in a way that is both controlled and consistent. Your Connecting Care record will contain more detailed information, such as diagnoses, medications and appointments, to support your treatment and care at services in your area. This record will only be used to support your care locally. It will ensure that the people caring for you have enough information to treat you safely and to co-ordinate your care. Your Connecting Care Record will only be available to authorised health and social care staff who are directly involved in your care locally.
Please click on the link below to find out more.
If you wish to opt-out, please complete the form available below and return to the freepost address included on the form.
Connecting Care Patient Leaflet
Connecting Care Opt-Out Form Freepost
Summary Care Record
The Summary Care Record is the new electronic record being introduced by NHS England to support your emergency Care. The record will contain information about any medicines you are taking, allergies you suffer from and any bad reactions to medicines you have had to ensure those caring for you have enough information to treat you safely. Healthcare staff will ask your permission before they look at your record, except in certain circumstances for example if you are unconscious.
Please click on the link below to find out more.
If you wish to opt-out, please complete the form available below and return to the Practice.
Infection Control
Streamside Surgery Infection Control Annual Statement 2022
March 2021 – March 2022
Infection Control Lead – Theresa Allsop – Treatment Room Lead
Non-Clinical – Steph Celso – Practice manager
An annual statement will be produced each year in accordance with the requirement of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 code of practice on the prevention and control of infections and related guidance.
Streamside surgery is committed to providing a clean, tidy and safe environment for our patients and staff. Our Staff endeavour to follow our infection control policy to ensure the care we deliver and the equipment we use is safe and effective.
The infection control lead will enable the integration of the infection control principles into standards of care within the practice. They will be the first point of contact for the practice staff in respect of infection control issues. They will help create and maintain an environment which will ensure the safety of the patient/client, carers, visitors and health care workers in relation to healthcare associated infection.
There have been no cases of notifiable diseases in the last year, apart from covid cases. In the event of this happening, all recommendations are followed as per Local Health Protection Agency.
All significant events relating to infection control are discussed at clinical meetings and relevant actions are taken in accordance to requirements.
Covid 19 has had a significant effect on the way infection prevention has been undertaken.
Many procedures have continued to be followed in the last year and currently, with regular guidance and updating from government and PHE, including patients coming into the building, how they are dealt with once in.
Correct PPE is worn by staff in accordance to the latest guidance. Social distancing remains in place in the waiting rooms, and patients are required to wear masks unless exempt until further advice.
An annual audit is undertaken by our infection control lead, following on from that an action plan is formulated with a relevant time scale allocated. As a result of the audit we performed to a good level working within the constraints of an old building, and the added pressure of covid.
The practice takes place in annual audit of antimicrobial prescribing in line with the local and national targets. The practice performed well in the recent audit.
Legionella (water) Risk assessment-the practice reviews it’s water safety to ensure the water does not pose a risk to patients/visitors/staff.
Curtains; disposable curtains are used in all clinical rooms and are changed yearly. All curtains are regularly reviewed and changed more frequently if damaged or soiled.
Annual review of infection control policy is undertaken, and amended as required.
Regular reminders and updates of infection control policies, especially regarding covid, at practice meetings or via email.
Ensure fridge failure/disruption policy is up to date.
Ensure environments are clutter free and only relevant and in date stock available.
Encourage annual online training of infection control.
Ensure all staff are up to date with handwashing / gel technique, and clinical staff are aware of 5 moments for hand hygiene at point of care.
Ensure all staff are aware of sharps policy.
Liaise with NHS property services regarding any requirements highlighted in maintenance/repairs/cleaning/waste.
Our staff follow our infection control policy and undergo annual online training.
All staff are currently up to date or about to undergo training soon.
Hand gel is provided at multiple locations throughout the buildings, for staff/patients/visitors.
Social distancing for patients with spaces between seating.
Adequate and appropriate PPE.
Clean down of all equipment after patient use.
Door handle cleaning log
All staff will currently isolate if testing positive to covid.
If there are enquiries relating to infection control and prevention, they will be directed to Steph Celso, Practice Manager.
Named Accountable GP
From the 1st April 2015 the NHS requires that every patient is allocated a named accountable GP. All patients registered patients have been allocated a named GP and any newly registered patients will be allocated a named GP within 21 days of registering. This is for administrative purposes only and you retain the right to see any of our GPs. You will still be able to book an appointment with the GP of your choice.
What does ‘accountable’ mean?
The named accountable GP takes responsibility for the co-ordination of all medical services and ensures they are delivered to each of their patients where required.
This new arrangement has been introduced to reassure patients that they have one GP within the practice who is responsible for ensuring that work is carried out on their behalf.
Does the requirement mean 24-hour responsibility for patients?
No. The named GP will not:
• take on responsibility for the work of other doctors or health professionals
• take on 24-hour responsibility for the patient, or have to change their working hours.
• be the only GP or clinician who will provide care to that patient
Can patients choose their own named GP?
Patients have been allocated a named GP by the practice. However, if a patient requests a particular GP, reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate their preference.
Do patients have to see the named GP when they book an appointment with the practice?
No. Patients are free to choose to see any GP or nurse in the practice.
If you would like to know who your named accountable GP is, or you have a preference as to which GP you are allocated please contact the surgery for more information.
If you wish to change your named GP you will need to complete a named GP form, please contact reception for this form.
Any issues with this please ask to speak to Steph Celso (Practice Manager)
NHS England Contractual Requirements
All GP Practices are required to declare the mean earnings (e.g. average pay) for GP’s working to deliver NHS services to patients at each practice.
The average pay for GPs working in Streamside Surgery in the last financial year was £47,150 before tax and National Insurance. This is for 0 full time GP’s, 6 part time GP’s and 1 locum GP’s who worked in the practice for more than six months.