
As of the 1st November 2021 all prescriptions for Streamside Surgery practice will be dealt with by the new PCN Prescription Hub – Severnvale Prescription Hub.

Ordering repeat prescriptions

The easiest ways to order repeat prescriptions are:

  • Through your NHS account (via NHS website or the NHS App)
  • Using Patient Access
  • Bring the paper form to the surgery
  • Post to Severnvale Prescription Hub, Almondsbury Surgery, Sundays Hill, Bristol, BS32 4DS
  • Email;

We do not take repeat prescription requests over the phone.

Collecting your prescription

You can usually collect your prescription from the pharmacy 3 to 5 working days after you have ordered it.

You will need to choose a pharmacy to collect your prescription from. We call this nominating a pharmacy.

You can change your nominated pharmacy at any time:

  • Via the NHS app or website where you order repeat prescriptions
  • At your GP practice
  • At any pharmacy that accepts repeat prescriptions

Prescription charges

Find out more about prescription charges ( and if you may be eligible for free prescriptions.

Questions about your prescription

If you have questions about your medicine, your local pharmacists can answer these. They can also answer questions on medicines you can buy over the counter.

The NHS website has information on how your medicine works, how and when to take it, possible side effects and answers to your common questions; Go to Medicines A to Z (

If you would like to speak to someone about your prescription please contact our team at Severnvale Prescription Hub on 01454 205099, between 10am – 12:30 and 14:30 – 17:30.

Medication monitoring

Some medication requires monitoring to keep you safe. This table shows how often you should have a blood test done. This is not an exhaustive list and you may require other monitoring as advised by your GP

MedicationMonitoring Frequency
Blood Pressure MedicationAnnually blood test
Blood Thinner Medication Except Warfarin Annually blood test
Warfarin TabletsAs advised by clinic
Diabetes MedicationAnnual blood test and review with nurse, but may be more frequent if advised by diabetic nurse 
Thyroid MedicationAnnual blood test
Contraceptive PillAnnual form to complete -usually sent via SMS but can be accessed on website or paper copy from reception
SpironolactoneBlood test every 4 months 
Methotrexate Medication  Blood test every 3 months
Statin MedicationAnnual blood test 
Asthma MedicationAnnual form to complete and a review with nurse if required 
COPD MedicationAnnual form to complete and a review with nurse if required 

What to do with old medicines

Take it to a local pharmacy. Do not put it in your household bin or flush it down the toilet.

About pharmacists

As qualified healthcare professionals, pharmacists can offer advice on minor illnesses such as:

  • Coughs
  • Colds
  • Sore throats
  • Tummy trouble
  • Aches and pains

Find your local pharmacy ( and their opening hours, you do not need an appointment.