PPG – “Patient Voice”
Did you know your practice has a Patient Participation Group called Patient Voice? The group is here to support medical staff in involving patients in relevant issues relating to the practice and to respond to patients’ views and experiences. Look inside to find out more about us and how you can contact us or get involved.
Please Click Here to view our Patient Voice Flyer.
Who are We ?
We are a group of patients, just like you, who support Streamside Surgery to provide the best possible care for all patients. We work together with patients, doctors, practice staff and those who commission medical services locally. Streamside Surgery gets very positive feedback from patients, but the Practice does not want to stand still. It wants ongoing improvement to respond to patient’s needs and experiences and our role is to help find out what they are and respond to them.
Please Help Us
There are 3 ways.
1. Give us your feedback/suggestions to improve the practice by either completing the form on-line or filling in a form and posting in the Patient Voice suggestion box near the waiting room.
2. Join our Virtual Group. We will contact you electronically once or twice a year to give us feedback on the practice. (Leave your name/contact details as outlined above)
3. Join our core group. We are a friendly crowd who meet as a group four times a year and informally at other times depending on what we are working on. Find out more by leaving your contact details as above.
Patient Voice Suggestion Form
Please take the time to fill out our Patient Voice Suggestion Form.
PPG Meeting Minutes
Awaiting future dates.
Meetings held in Health Education Room, Thornbury Health Centre at 5.00pm
Minutes of Previous Meetings
Reports and Newsletters
Patient Voice Virtual Group
Are you interested in working with the practice to improve services by giving up to an hour of your time per year in the comfort of your own home?
Patient Voice is actively looking for patients to join our Virtual Group. You would be contacted once or twice a year, either electronically or by letter, to give us feedback on different aspects of the practice. This information would then inform practice developments.
Sound like something that might interest you? Please give your details into Reception at your next visit or send details via the suggestion/comment form on this page.
For further information contact the Patient Voice via streamside.ppg@nhs.net.