New Patients

Practice Area

The practice area is based on a 5 mile radius of Thornbury.



To register as a new patient you will need to complete a GMS1 form as well as a New Patient Registration Questionnaire. You can download the registration forms here:
New Patient Registration Questionnaire.

Please find here our New Patient Practice Info Leaflet which we also usually give out along with our registration forms.

The Practice does not yet permit patients to register online, but you can print off the form, fill it in and return  to the practice with 2 forms of ID of which one should be photographic and the other to show current address. We will then complete the registration for you.  Please allow at least 3 working days for the completion of your registration before booking a GP Appointment or ordering a prescription.

Alternatively, come in and speak to the receptionist who will give you the necessary form and will be available for advice. To register, fill the form and return it. Include your telephone number in case there are any details that we need to clarify with you.

New patients must live within a 5 mile radius of Thornbury Town centre. We accept transfers from the other local practices and you do not have to give any reason for changing practice.

Prescription Hub


As of the 1st November 2021 all prescriptions for Streamside Surgery practice will be dealt with by the new PCN Prescription Hub – Severnvale Prescription Hub.


Please e-mail your requests to and for medication queries only please call 01454 205099, lines will be open from 10am-12:30 and 14:30-17:30.


Please visit our post on this new update for more information – Severnvale Prescription Hub | Streamside Surgery