NHS App and Online Appointments
The NHS App is now the preferred, simple and secure way to access many of our practice’s services on your smartphone or tablet. You do not need to contact our surgery to register for the NHS app. You just need to be able download the app and be able to follow instructions on how to video your face holding your driving licence photograph!
See here for more information https://digital.nhs.uk/services/nhs-app
With the NHS App patients can:
- Check their symptoms using the health A-Z from the NHS website.
- Find out what to do when they need help urgently, using NHS 111 online.
- Book and manage appointments at your GP practice.
- Order repeat prescriptions for collection at your practice or a pharmacy they have already nominated
- Securely view their GP medical record.
- Register to be an organ donor.
- Choose how the NHS uses their data.